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10-year vision: 2023 to 2033
We imagine that by 2033 Titanium Birch will:
- In terms of team size: be large enough to include all the key skills needed to be successful and for key-person risks to be reasonable (certainly no dependence on any single individual), yet still relatively small so as to be cost-efficient. See our hiring-plan.
- Have a portfolio that’s weathered storms and yielded healthy real returns.
- Be reasonably well-known and respected in investment circles. A wide range of investment professionals aspire to work at Titanium Birch. Our alumni are sought-after by other firms. Peter is known as the founder and principal, yet the world already understands that Titanium Birch will be a self-perpetuating entity that serves itself, not any one individual, and generates value along the way. Titanium Birch is about perpetual investing, not facilitating spending. That makes it relatively rare among investment entities, most of which serve to facilitate spending of an entity (ie: a university endowment) or people (ie: a family funding its heirs).
- Have already undergone one or two leadership succession cycles, with Peter only taking a backseat role. We’ll thus have demonstrated that the organisation can perpetuate itself without Peter.
100-year vision: 2023 to 2123
One hundred years from now, Titanium Birch will be among the oldest investment entities in existence. Through the power of compounding, its investments will have generated hundreds of billions in value in today’s money. Through the multiplier effects of the economic activities supported or made possible by Titanium Birch, humanity will have enjoyed a massive boost in well-being. Its legal form might have evolved significantly. Its cultural values remain.