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This page explains the company’s approaches to:
- defining and evaluating the performance of its employees
- deciding the compensation packages offered and paid to job applicants and employees
- how performance relates to compensation
Intentions behind these frameworks
The intent behind the things described in this document is to make the company long-term successful. That requires attracting, retaining, motivating and rewarding people to deliver the results that the company needs.
That’s hard to do, and the methods needed will inevitably change over time. We expect the content in this doc to change as needed. We’ll use surveys as one of several ways to measure how well we’re doing, to identify areas for improvement, and to track our progress.
Every 6 months, the company should survey everyone along these lines:
- I know what the company expects of me.
- I know how the company thinks the results of my work compare to what’s expected.
- I know how my compensation is decided.
- I think my compensation is decided in a fair manner.
- I know how I can justify significant increases in my compensation.
- I have a reasonably well-prioritized list of skills, behaviors, or areas of knowledge (“skill-dev objectives”) where I can improve such that I’ll be able to deliver even more of the results that the company expects.