Our mission is to amplify the impact of innovative people and companies.

Titanium Birch contributes to the ongoing increase of human wellbeing by providing capital to consent-based, productive enterprises, with benefits compounding as profits are reinvested into additional investments.

We believe human wellbeing is subjective, contingent on the ever-changing value sets of each individual, and so, to achieve our mission, we should facilitate an increase in available opportunities for win-win economic interactions between consenting individuals. We believe that coercion too often results in win-lose (or even lose-lose) economic interactions, reducing total human wellbeing, as inevitable scarcity limits the total number of possible interactions.

Our approach is to attract and retain talented individuals who broadly share our values and would like to help us find and invest in productive enterprises that meet our consent-based ethical standards. We believe a culture that encourages intellectual honesty, diversity of thought, non-discrimination (negative or positive), meritocracy, mutual respect, curiosity, humility, creativity, and ownership of results is the best environment to achieve our mission. We try to ensure all team members feel safe to speak their mind and make mistakes without fear of repercussions. We encourage learning and growth and helping others to do the same while always respecting individual autonomy.

Our intention is that Titanium Birch will pursue its mission in perpetuity, continuing to invest consistent with its core values while remaining sufficiently flexible to adapt to changing economic and societal conditions over time.